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Instructions for Getting started

Quick Start in Three Steps
  1. To start a data session, begin by clicking the Data icon on the right hand side of the top bar to access the Data Configurations interface.
  2. Use radio button to select either Asteroid or Meteorite database.
  3. Use the Search Criteria to specify the desired (sub)set of data.
Next Steps
Once the search results are displayed, tools are available to adjust the data configuration, plot histograms, calculate derived parameters, export search results, examine meteorite analogs of asteroids as well as examine asteroid analogs of meteorites.

Data Configurations
Activating the Data Configuration tool can be used to
  1. modify the search criteria (via Search Criteria tab)
  2. apply additional filters to narrow down the data displayed (via the Filter Criteria tab)
  3. specify which columns to display (via Show/Hide Columns tab)

Graphs & Statistics
The graph interface allows user to specify a quantity to graph as a histogram. Summary statistics are displayed on the resulting plot. Clicking the three-bar icon on the upper right of the plot will popup various options for exporting the plot.

Calculation Models
The model calculation currently has one model available – to estimate diameter from absolute magnitude (H). Details of how this model works can be found here.

The export tool provides options for exporting the displayed data as a .csv file.

Examine Meteorite / Asteroid Analogs
The meteorite analogs of any asteroid with a known taxonomy or the asteroid analogs of any meteorite in the database can be examined.
  1. Select the object of interest by clicking on the row in a search results table which lists the object of interest. (Asteroid or meteorite).
  2. Select the "Map to Meteorites" or the "Map to Asteroids" tool.
  3. A summary page listing the analog meteorite or asteroid types and summarizing their physical properties will appear.
  4. The summary page can be dismissed by clicking on the X in the upper right hand corner.
  5. Once the summary page is dismissed, a search result page listing all the analog objects in the neoproperties database will be visible.

Drilling Down for more Asteroid Data
To see additional details for a single asteroid, double click anywhere on the line displaying that object's data.

Example Interactions
Four examples of how to use neoproperties to address potential questions can be found here.